Deep Space Technology Group

Group Leader: Name Qualification Pics Dr. Szalai Sándor Prof. Emeritus Balázs András MScEE Dinnyés Lajos Technician Hevesi László Lóránd MScEE Dr. Nagy János Zoltán PM, MScEE Pálos Zoltán BScEE Sódor Bálint MScEE Kiefer-Szabó Richárd MScEE Tróznai Gábor MScEE Members of Our Group Our Activities and Products

Automated Calibration System

The Venus Express spacecraft of ESA investigates the atmosphere and clouds of the Venus at an unparalleled resolution and precisity. The ASPERA-4 (Analyser of Space Plasmas and Energetic Atoms) studies the interactions between the atmoshere of Venus and the solar wind, determines the effect of plasma processes to the atmosphere, the global distribution of plasma …

A Distributed Computer System on ISS

The main objective of the Plasma Wave Complex (PWC, its Russian name is Obstanovka) system is investigating the dynamic processes in the magnetosphere and in the ionosphere, to which a wide range of electromagnetic phenomena accompany, from a steady, long term observing place on board of the International Space Station (ISS). (Plasma Wave Complex, PWC, …

Investigating the Plasma Environment of Saturn and the Titan

The objective of the Cassini mission was to investigate the Saturn, its moons, and their pretty complex plasma environment and the planet itself. One of the main objectives was studying the Titan moon, which in many aspects is unparalleled within our solar system. Our group and the scientists and engineers of Wigner RCP PNI involved …