Automated Calibration System

The Venus Express spacecraft of ESA investigates the atmosphere and clouds of the Venus at an unparalleled resolution and precisity. The ASPERA-4 (Analyser of Space Plasmas and Energetic Atoms) studies the interactions between the atmoshere of Venus and the solar wind, determines the effect of plasma processes to the atmosphere, the global distribution of plasma nad neutral gas, the energetic neutral atoms, ions and electrons, and furthermore it analyses the environment close to Venus. The observations of Mars Express and Venus Express spacerafts at the same time would provide scientists data based on which the development of atmosphere of the two planet can be investigated. Each spacecraft carries its own ASPERA. Thus scientists can directly compare the two planets. Engineers at Wigner RCP IPNP developed an automated computer system for the calibration system of IRF (Kiruna, Sweden). This consists of a usual PC and three embedded processor galvanically isolated to avoid proliferation of high voltage in case of error(s). Scientists have completed the hardware- and software modifications on the calibration system in Kiruna neccessary for post calibration of the Venus Express’s ASPERA.

The Venus Express' ASPERA-4 Automatic Calibration System in the Calibration Lab
The Automatic Calibration System in the Calibration Lab